Access using awscli
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The AWS cli is the command line SDK for the Amazon APIs which allow you to control, create, destroy, edit, move and perform other actions on your AWS assets. The AWS cli can be used to automate a lot of AWS related tasks from a multitude of other command line programs.
Programmatic access to the AWS cli is obtained using a key/secret pair of unqiue credentials.
In this chapter we shall cover the steps to setup and configure AWS cli access to your AWS account.
When ever you encounter line like below please either type this or copy paste it in the terminal of your student VM
Run the following command
You will need to provide the access key ID
and secret access key
, which you have saved earlier
Type the following values
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json
These credentials get stored in the file at ~/.aws/credentials
Run the following command to confirm if you are setup or not. This command should show your Account ID
Note: Autocomplete has been setup for you to type the commands more easily. Use tab to show options when using the aws cli.
Run the following command
This script will
Use the stored credentials to check if your aws cli access is proper or not
If it is successful it will print your unique name that will be used throughout the training
Please let the trainer know these unique values